Friday, July 29, 2011

Thought hopping skips to a dangerous beat

Thought hopping aka "jumping to conclusions" is verrrrrry dangerous.  Even in the face of what seems SO "obvious" (gratuitous use of quotes intentional), if we could but still our minds and still our infernal, internal tongues.  Fretting would be greatly diminished, as would a measure of high blood pressure, tummy upset and general physical and mental discomfort.

Hmmm... He's going to talk to a doctor [A] +  The doctor is a specialist in a cancer center [B] = HE MUST HAVE CANCER!!!

Welllll... no. Not exactly. In fact, not at all.  Now let that be a lesson to me. And hopefully one you can appreciate, too.  You can't get a refund on worry, so save your precious now for the only thing we can really control... our thoughts.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Math of the Heart

The seam of our wounded hearts unraveled a bit quickly, taking us by surprise; the thread pulling like thick, brambled twine through silk, catching and snagging on resentments and repressed indignation. 

Stretched fabric tore, pulled too hard in defiant opposition, and a hole appeared. Our voices raised, the gap widened by the steaming vent of hurt; passionate defenses lobbed and seared. 

Slowly, the patient offering of loving kindness moved our words like needles over the separation and the heat of our anger began to heal us; melting and softening those prickly spurs, the seam mending.

Today we are stronger for the split.
Sometimes division equals a brand new whole.
Go figure.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

New day 7.20.11

The day is new and glorious, a boon just for the waking.  And I am grateful.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Brand spankin' new to this... pics and prose to come soon :)
